Catholics for the Future (CFF) envisions a future where the values of our faith – justice, compassion, peace, respect for the dignity of all, and care for Creation – inspire America’s democracy.

Our mission is to elect politicians who will help us build this future.

Who We Are

Catholics for the Future (CFF) is a collective of faith-based leaders working to educate, empower, and inspire Catholic voters to save our democracy. 

The Gospels offer a vision of our shared life where everyone can thrive, no one is excluded from the benefits of the community. Yet, for too long, some politicians have weaponized and distorted interpretations of Christianity, including Catholicism, to advance policy agendas that polarize Americans as well as marginalize and exclude some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

We believe that Catholic voters, particularly those in the swing states, are vital to this election and the future of our democracy. CFF aims to rally people of faith through targeted messaging that will inspire them to reject the lies of MAGA Republicanism and embrace candidates who align with the true values of the catholic tradition.

We are people of faith, coming together at this critical hour to elect candidates who share our values and our commitment to American democracy.

"For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20-21

To elect politicians who will help us build a future rooted in the values of our faith.

Our Mission

CFF envisions a country where the values of our faith are enacted – a country where residents of every race, place, gender, and walk of life can live in dignity and peace.

Our Vision

Our faith, rooted in the catholic tradition of service and love, guides our passion to transform people’s ability to thrive. We focus on the dignity of every person and believe our government leaders should promote:

Our Goals


Living Wages

Safe Communities





An end to the politics of hate and division


Quality, affordable health care for all


Care for Creation


Affordable and Safe Housing

CFF Board

  • A life-long Catholic who believes deeply in the human right to housing, Patty dedicated her career to ending homelessness and expanding the availability of affordable housing in the nation’s capital. A co-founder of the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless in 1987, she served as its executive director for more than 30 years. Since 2000, she also has been working to build new generations of justice activists, as an adjunct professor at Georgetown Law where she teaches a seminar on homelessness and poverty.

  • Over his career, Patrick has taught college students, spent hours listening to people in food-access lines, developed impactful partnerships with nonprofits and foundations, sat with kids struggling with their gender identity, worked in the Pentagon as a customer experience strategist, and even lived with monks as a novice. He is a passionate advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, deeply committed to the catholic tradition, and an active Episcopalian. Patrick and his husband, also named Patrick, live in Washington, D.C.

  • A longtime advocate for the Catholic social justice tradition in American public life, Steve currently is the Chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, to which he was appointed by President Biden. He retired from The Catholic University of America after a tenure of more than thirty years. He and his wife, Suzanne, are very lucky to live near their daughters and grandchildren in the nation’s capital.